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News & Announcements

Want to know what’s new at your union? You’ve come to the right place. Browse the posts below for the latest news and announcements at UFCW Local 152.

February 4, 2022
More workers at Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation voted union yes!

Organizing Win: More Workers at Bacharach Vote Union Yes

  Several months ago, workers at Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation outpatient offices reached out to UFCW Local 152 to discuss […]
October 13, 2021
A member voting at the Victoria Commons ratification meeting, 2021.

Members at Victoria Commons Unite to Ratify New Contract – 9/28/2021

  A New Era Victoria Commons was recently purchased by Complete Care and now operates as Complete Care at Victoria […]
October 8, 2021
Shop Steward Joann Adcock and Union Representative Pete White at the Bacharach ratification on 9/24/2021.

Bacharach Members Stand United and Ratify New Union Contract – 9/24/2021

  On Friday, September 24th, UFCW Local 152 members at Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation in Galloway, New Jersey ratified a […]
September 20, 2021
Union Representative Pete White with Shop Steward Latoya Clarke at the Eagleview Health and Rehabilitation ratification on 9/10/2021.

Members at Eagleview Health and Rehabilitation Unanimously Pass New Union Contract – 9/10/2021

  On Friday, September 10th, UFCW Local 152 members at Eagleview Health and Rehabilitation in Pittsgrove, New Jersey stood united […]
April 29, 2021
Part of the Negotiating Committee at the Bishop McCarthy ratification, 4/22/2021.

Members at Bishop McCarthy Center Ratify New Contract – 4/22/2021

  On Thursday, April 22nd, UFCW Local 152 members at Bishop McCarthy Center for Rehabilitation & Healthcare in Vineland, NJ […]