UFCW OUTreach is a constituency group dedicated to building mutual support between our union’s International, regions, and locals and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community and their allies in order to come together to organize for social and economic justice for all, regardless of age, race, gender, creed, color, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Together, we will ensure full equality for LGBT workers on their jobs and in their unions.
Together, we will build a labor environment that cherishes diversity, encourages openness, and ensures safety and dignity, as we move forward in the spirit of “an injury to one is an injury to all,” opposing all forms of discrimination—not just against members of the LGBT community.
Together, we will educate all UFCW leaders, staff, and members about the LGBT community, and build support and solidarity for the UFCW in that community and all communities that share our union’s common goals and interests.
Together we will fight to achieve equality for all members of the LGBT community in employment, marriage, immigration, and wherever else inequities exist.
Together, we will work closely with Pride at Work and other organizations to achieve mutual goals and make our shared vision for equality for LGBT workers a reality.
Equality, education, understanding, and solidarity are our mission.
To learn more about UFCW OUTreach, click here to be directed to the official page.
Frequently Asked Questions
“Can I be discriminated against on the job by my boss?”
Discrimination is not permitted under most UFCW contracts. There are no federal protections currently in place for LGBTQ individuals. While state laws vary on which individuals have legal protections from discrimination, UFCW partners cannot be fired or punished by management except for reasons specifically detailed in their workplace contract.
“Can I be discriminated against on the job by my coworkers?”
These same contracts also require coworkers to treat one another with respect and dignity on the job regardless of gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
“What do I do if I am targeted?”
If you believe you or someone you work with has been the victim of discrimination by a coworker, it is vital that you contact your local Union Representative to resolve this issue. If you are unsure who your Union Representative is, click here to determine it.
LGBTQ+ Do’s and Don’ts
DO: Listen to others with respect. You don’t have to agree with someone to treat them with dignity and hear them.
DO: Respect their privacy, and don’t discuss their journey with anyone.
DO: Ask questions that relate to interacting with respect, such as, “What pronoun do you prefer?”
DO: Apologize if you make a mistake. Mistakes happen. Using the wrong language or pronoun is okay. Sincerely apologize and move on.
DON’T: Ask a transgender person about their transition process.
DON’T: Make the mistake of offering backhanded compliments like “I would never have known you used to be a man/woman!” “You don’t look gay/lesbian.” Though well-intended, these can be cutting and detrimental to an atmosphere of respect.
DON’T: Ask more personal questions about sexuality or intimate relationships.
What is an ALLY?
An Ally is someone who may or may not be LGBTQ themselves, but supports and defends the rights of respect and dignity of all LGBTQ individuals.
Allies have always been a critical part of equal-rights movements. During the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, white men and women stood along people of color as they fought for equal protection under the law. They did this not because they had anything to gain, but because they supported the moral principles of the movement. Organized Labor as a whole has long supported movements aimed at increasing the rights of all people in the workplace.
When you become an Ally of LGBTQ people, your actions help change the culture, making society a better, safer place for LGBTQ people and for all people who do not conform to gender expectations. Allies use the appropriate pronouns and understand the necessity for comfort and support for the LGBTQ community. Allies are secure in who they are and know the importance of supporting others as they seek to live their authentic lives.
HEAR IT, STOP IT! An Ally stands up to disrespectful remarks and jokes. Allies have been an important component in ALL fights for equality.
Allies are everyday heroes.