UFCW Women’s Network
The primary purpose of the United Food and Commercial Workers Women’s Network is to unify UFCW women through an international network. Women, who comprise more than 50% of the UFCW’s members, represent a powerful resource for the union. The Network believes that the active participation of female members in the UFCW will enhance our union’s strength at the bargaining table, in organizing campaigns, and in the political arena. The Network, in cooperation with the International Union and the Working Women’s Department, seeks to motivate and educate UFCW women to increase women’s participation in UFCW activities and programs. The Network invites and encourages the support and participation of our union sisters and brothers in accomplishing these and many other objectives.
If you would like to be part of the network, please contact Danette Montes-Palmore at 888-564-6152 or fill out our application form.