Workers at Maryland Plastics Ratify New Union Contract – 4/26/2022

Members of Maryland Plastics at their contract ratification on 4/26/22.


The Negotiating Committee for Maryland Plastics, 4/26/22.

The Negotiating Committee: Assistant Director of Collective Bargaining Lisa Sanders and Shop Stewards Davonya Thomas and Vanessa Ryans.

On Tuesday, April 26th, 2022, fifty workers at Maryland Plastics in Federalsburg, Maryland ratified a new union contract!

The three-year agreement introduces many new benefits for our members, including a dramatic increase in wages. In addition, the shift differential was raised to compensate members on less favorable shifts. Members will maintain their current health and welfare benefits.

Finally, the Shop Stewards at Maryland Plastics will now be able to conduct a short new member orientation to introduce new members to the union. Since many people in the workforce have never worked in a union position before, this opportunity to teach new members about the union difference — the ins and outs of their collective bargaining agreement, the benefits of their contract, what union representation means — is very important.

Congratulations to our members and the Negotiating Committee who worked very hard to get this great contract! The committee consisted of Assistant Director of Collective Bargaining Lisa Sanders and Shop Stewards Davonya Thomas and Vanessa Ryans. Great job!

UFCW Local 152 represents about fifty workers at the Maryland Plastics plant in Federalsburg, which is best known for manufacturing disposable plastic party and tableware. Our hardworking members work in production, warehouse, shipping, maintenance, and more.



Below are members voting at the April 26th meeting.