TQ Baking (Vineland, NJ) Ratifies New Contract – 10/23/2019

The Negotiating Committee for TQ Baking.


On Wednesday, October 23rd, an overwhelming majority of UFCW Local 152 members at TQ Baking in Vineland, New Jersey voted to ratify a new contract!

The new three-year agreement introduces many new perks for our members. Firstly, all members at TQ Baking will enjoy significant wage increases each year for the life of the contract. The initial increase will result in many members receiving market increases ranging from $1.00-$4.00 per hour! TQ Baking members will be joining UFCW Local 152’s Health and Welfare Fund, entering a new benefits plan that now includes prepaid legal benefits and considerably lowers their weekly cost share for family coverage. Speaking of benefits, TQ Baking will be increasing the company match for employee 401k plans.

In addition to the above highlights, the new contract increases holiday pay and improves seniority language throughout the contract to reward loyal, long-term workers. Finally, the contract enhances previous sick time provisions. TQ Baking members will now receive up to 40 hours per year of paid time off (PTO), in addition to their vacation and personal holidays.

Congratulations to our members and the Negotiating Committee for this monumental win! This included Assistant Director of Collective Bargaining Dan Ross, Jr, Recorder/Union Representative Lisa Sanders, VP/Union Representative Jose Echevarria, Shop Stewards Marta Rodriguez, Arthur Mead Jr., and members Iva Negron, Jessica Garcia, Aretha Elliott, and Jim Ranels. Great job!

UFCW Local 152 represents over three hundred members at TQ “Top Quality” Baking, who work in production, packaging, sanitation, and much more at the bakery. TQ Baking, owned by T. Marzetti, is one of the company’s largest suppliers of frozen garlic bread and rolls. Have you ever enjoyed products like New York Texas Toast? Way to support your fellow UFCW Local 152 member — that’s TQ Baking!



See photos below of our members voting at the ratification meeting.


Learn more about past contract ratifications. Are you interested in joining UFCW Local 152? Start by learning more about What Unions Do or fill out our Union Interest Form.