Reed & Perrine Members Ratify New Union Contract – 2/16/2022

A sign for Reed and Perrine


Great news for our Reed & Perrine members: on Wednesday, February 16th, 2022, they stood together and ratified a new union contract!

With the new contract, all members will receive across-the-board wage increases each year for the life of the contract as well as an increase to monthly Employer-paid pension contributions. The new agreement also protects existing affordable healthcare with a very minimal increase to the employee cost share. Reed & Perrine members will now have the opportunity to opt-in to receive voluntary supplemental benefits offered by the Local.

New members will now have a designated opportunity to meet their union representative or shop steward at orientation, where they can be properly introduced to UFCW Local 152 and the union difference.

Congratulations to our great Negotiating Committee, which included Assistant Director of Collective Bargaining Lisa Sanders, Union Representative Jose Echevarria, and Shop Steward Christine Bradach.

UFCW Local 152 proudly represents about ten members at Reed & Perrine, a company that manufactures lawn products including fertilizers, grass seeds, lime, and much more. Our members work mainly in production and shipping.