Cape Regional Medical Center Ratifies New Contract – 2/19/2020

The Negotiating Committee for Cape Regional Medical Center's contract in 2020.

The Negotiating Committee for Cape Regional Medical Center's contract in 2020.


On Wednesday, February 19th, UFCW Local 152 members at Cape Regional Medical Center overwhelmingly voted to ratify a new contract!

The new three-year agreement introduces new perks for our members. Firstly, all members at Cape Regional Medical Center will enjoy immediate wage increases and increases each year for the life of the contract. Additionally, the new contract included language changes that addressed daily operational concerns and preserved their excellent health care benefits for the life of the agreement!

Congratulations to our members and the Negotiating Committee for this monumental win! This included Director of Collective Bargaining Dan Ross, Jr, VP/Director of Field Services Peggy Kelly, and Shop Stewards Chris Reitnauer, Mary Anna Long, Fred Plenn, Amanda Molino, and Kelley McNair. Great job, everyone!

UFCW Local 152 represents over 500 workers at Cape Regional Medical Center, including registered nurses, transport, food service workers, and many, many more. These workers have proudly served residents and visitors of Cape May County for the past 70 years.



See photos below of our members voting at the ratification meeting.


Learn more about past contract ratifications. Are you interested in joining UFCW Local 152? Start by learning more about What Unions Do or fill out our Union Interest Form.