Union Members at United Methodist Communities at Collingswood Unanimously Ratify New Contract – 10/16/2020

Part of the Negotiating Committee for the United Methodist Communities at Collingswood contract ratification, 10/16/20


On Friday, October 16th, UFCW Local 152 members at United Method Communities at Collingswood in Collingswood, New Jersey stood united and unanimously voted to ratify a new contract!

The new three-year agreement provides a retroactive across-the-board wage increase, in addition to increases each year for the life of the contract. In an effort to reward longtime members for their service, the contract introduced a tiered longevity increase program, something the membership has requested for years. Shift differentials for the nursing staff will also increase. Finally, all members will receive a contract ratification bonus.

In addition to these economic improvements, members will also see enhancements in other areas. The contract reinforces that the Employer pays the cost of any mandatory health examinations, tests, and vaccinations, and has increased the yearly shoe allowance.

Finally, the new contract included language changes for better clarification of policies regarding the New Jersey Earned Sick Leave for the use of sick time at no penalty to the member, and maintained affordable health insurance for the life of the agreement.

Congratulations to our members and the Negotiating Committee! This included Director of Collective Bargaining Dan Ross, Director of Organizing Chad Brooks, Union Representative Matte Kane, Union Representative Pete White, Shop Stewards Beth Salerno and Lori Nourse, and member Lisa Rinehardt.

UFCW Local 152 proudly represents about eighty members at United Methodist Communities at Collingswood, a faith-based assisted living facility near the heart of the quaint and vibrant town of Collingswood, NJ. Our members work as CNAs, LPNS, receptionists, maintenance, and cooks, dietary aides, and more.



See photos below of our members voting at the ratification meeting on October 16.