On Tuesday, January 7th, about fifteen members at Total Maintenance Management, the cleaning service for the Cherry Hill Mall in Cherry Hill, New Jersey ratified a new union contract!
The new three-year agreement guarantees higher wages for our members and increases the wage premium for members on exterior duty. Memorial Day and Independence Day were added to the holiday schedule, allowing our members to earn more when working these specific holidays. Bereavement leave was also adjusted.
The contract now includes additional clothing in the uniform allowance. All members can be reimbursed for slip-resistant shoes, and for those who perform exterior duties, the company has agreed to provide rain jackets and outdoor coats. This will certainly save our members time and expense!
Congratulations to our members and those on the Negotiating Committee! This included Union Representatives Tom Hartle, Jose Echevarria, Carilisse Lopez, and Shop Steward Miguel Ocasio.
UFCW Local 152 proudly represents housekeepers at Total Maintenance Management, the cleaning service at the Cherry Hill Mall in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Are you interested in joining UFCW Local 152? Start by learning more about how to start a union at your workplace.