Organized Labor in New Jersey Regains Its Seat at the Table

Phil Murphy with citizens, courtesy of

By Matte Kane, Union Representative

As Phil Murphy embarks on his first term as governor of the Garden State, the labor community in the state is breathing a sigh of relief. After a decade of having the deck stacked against the collective bargaining body, we have been promised not only our seat back, but to be dealt in this time. The governor ran on a platform of strong outreach and inclusion with the state’s labor leaders and an economy that is grown from the “middle”, not just from the top. If Phil Murphy’s early appointments are any indication, it appears a revitalized emphasis on organized labor’s role in the stewardship of our state’s future is coming to fruition.

We can only hope that this is a turning point in our current political climate, in which Union workers and Union leadership realize the futility of years of voting for and endorsing candidates who are against our own best interest. With midterm elections less than nine months away, we need to remain vigilant, question voting records and Union commitment. Remember, if they are not for us, they are certainly against us.

To learn more about Phil Murphy and his plans for the state of New Jersey, follow this link to an article by
Phil Murphy could revive the power of public labor unions in New Jersey


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