Members at Murphy’s Markets Ratify New Union Contract – 12/7/2023

Murphy's Meat Negotiating Committee, 2023

On Thursday, December 7th, UFCW Local 152 members at Murphy’s Markets ratified a new union contract! The new contract applies to “meat side” members, which encompasses not only those in the meat department but also members in the seafood and deli departments as well.

The three-year agreement improves the lives of our members in many ways. First, all members will receive an immediate across-the-board wage increase retroactive to September 2023 in addition to substantial annual raises.

The Committee negotiated 40 hours of sick time to use for routine appointments and emergencies as outlined in the company policy book. Finally, members maintained their affordable healthcare with no increase in their out-of-pocket costs.

Congratulations to our members and the Negotiating Committee! The committee included Director of Collective Bargaining Daniel Ross, Union Representatives Kelli Wehmann and Tom Hartle, and Shop Stewards Bethany Lazier and Joyce Scurti. Great job!

UFCW Local 152 proudly represents about sixty workers at Murphy’s Markets in Medford, Tabernacle, and Beach Haven, NJ.

Are you interested in joining UFCW Local 152? Start by learning more about What Unions Do or fill out our Union Interest Form.