Local 152 attends NJ Cannabis Community Rally

Union Representative Hugh Girodano speaking at the NJ Cannabis Community Rally

One of our own, Union Representative/Organizer Hugh Giordano was invited to speak at the New Jersey Cannabis Community Rally at the State House Annex in Trenton, NJ on April 20th, 2018. Many were in attendance to listen to Hugh Giordano, speaking on behalf of the union, and other educational and inspirational speakers.

On a national level, UFCW represents tens of thousands of cannabis workers across multiple states. UFCW members in the legal cannabis industry work in growing and cultivating facilities, manufacturing and processing facilities, and also in laboratories and dispensaries. If medical cannabis continues to spread across the state of New Jersey, it would make sense for our union to want to support these hard workers. Jobs that pay better wages and provide better benefits—like the ones we represent—are vital to keeping our local economy afloat.

“This is a job creator for the working class,” said Hugh. “For people who are living in poverty, this industry will give them an opportunity to have a career, to take care of their family, to have good wages and good benefits.”

Stay up to date on the changes to the medical and recreational cannabis laws in our area by visiting our Cannabis Campaign page.

If you know anyone who works in the cannabis industry that is interested in joining our union please contact Chad Brooks at cbrooks@ufcwlocal152.org or fill out our completely confidential Union Interest Form.