Lawrence Street Seafood Members Unanimously Ratify New Contract – 7/13/2020

A UFCW Local 152 member voting at the Lawrence Street Seafood ratification on 7/14/2020.


Shop Steward Tommy Ziegler counting the votes after the ratification meeting.

Shop Steward Tommy Ziegler counting the votes after the ratification meeting.

On Monday, July 13th, UFCW Local 152 members at Lawrence Street Seafood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania unanimously voted to ratify a new contract!

The new five-year agreement provides continual monthly pension contributions, as well as a monthly increase in each member’s 401K savings plan. In addition, members will receive yearly wage increases, including a healthy upfront raise of $1.00/hour in 2020. Finally, bereavement leave was increased, and affordable health insurance was maintained for the life of the agreement.

Congratulations to our members and the Negotiating Committee! This included Director of Collective Bargaining Dan Ross, Union Representative Matte Kane, and Shop Steward Tommy Ziegler. Great job!

UFCW Local 152 proudly represents members at Lawrence Street Seafood, a “premium seafood wholesaler and distributor offering a full line of fresh and frozen seafood products,” according to their website. Lawrence Street Seafood provides products to many tri-state restaurants in our area.


Learn more about past contract ratifications. Are you interested in joining UFCW Local 152? Start by learning more about What Unions Do or fill out our Union Interest Form.