
Clerical Workers at Toms River Fire Commissioners District #1 Ratify First Contract

Toms River Fire Commissioners District #1 Clerical Workers ratified historic first union contract!

A Triumph for Workers’ Rights: Clerical Workers Unanimously Secure Their Future

On Tuesday, July 9th, clerical workers at the Toms River Fire Commissioners District #1 made history by unanimously ratifying their first union contract! Congratulations to all involved!

The Journey to Unionization

In June 2023, the dedicated workers from the district reached out to UFCW Local 152 Director of Organizing Mike Thompson, seeking representation and support. This pivotal move marked the beginning of their journey towards securing their rights and improving their working conditions.

In New Jersey, unionizing public sector workers is a more straightforward process compared to the private sector. The clerical staff at Toms River Fire Commissioners District #1 needed a majority of workers to sign authorization cards, showing their interest to the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC). Once a majority was achieved, a “card check” was conducted and certified by PERC, paving the way for negotiations.

Laying the Groundwork

Securing the first contract is a critical milestone that sets the stage for all future negotiations. It requires dedication, effort, and resources, but the outcomes are undeniably worth it.

With the implementation of the new three-year contract, the workers at District 1 now have basic protections established, including:

  • a three-step grievance procedure: This formal process allows employees to raise concerns or complaints about their employer or working conditions in a structured and protected manner.
  • end of “at-will” employment: Workers are no longer at the mercy of arbitrary dismissal. Employers must now have a legitimate reason to discipline or terminate an employee, ensuring job security and fairness.
  • seniority provisions: These provisions recognize and reward long-serving members, valuing their experience, dedication, and contributions.

Additionally, the contract secures wages, benefits, personal days, sick time, holidays, vacations, and more. This comprehensive agreement is crucial for public workers, whose livelihoods can be unpredictably impacted by changing political administrations. Having these terms in a union contract ensures stability and security.

A Collective Triumph

Congratulations to our newest UFCW Local 152 members and the union negotiating committee: Director of Organizing Mike Thompson, Legal Counsel David Watkins of O’Brien, Belland, Bushinsky, LLC, and new Local 152 member Monica Bisceglie. Their dedication and unity exemplify the power of collective action and the positive change it can bring to workplaces everywhere.

Are you interested in learning more about becoming a union member? Start by learning more about What Unions Do or fill out our Union Interest Form to be contacted.