
 Your Union Rights you are protected

The National Labor Relations Act, Section 7 gives you the following rights and these rights are protected by the Federal Government:

  • Help form or join a union.
  • Have small group meetings at lunch time or break time as long as you are not creating a disturbance or blocking the movement of others.
  • Talk about the union.
  • Distribute literature in non-work areas on your own time.
  • Wear union insignia.
  • Solicit other employees for union membership, both on lunch and break time, even on company property.
  • Bargain over wages, working conditions and fringe benefits with your Employer.

It is illegal for an employer or supervisor to:

  • Threaten or coerce you
  • Threaten to close the facility
  • Bribe employees to vote against the union
  • Deny you the right to vote for representation
  • Spy on your union activities
  • Ask you about your union activities
  • Fire, transfer or demote you in retaliation for union activities.

The Weingarten Decision: Know Your Rights!

In a court case known as N.L.R.B. vs. Weingarten, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled you have the right to have your Union Representative present when you are interviewed by your employer, if you reasonably believe the interview may lead to disciplinary action.

Your rights under Weingarten are:

  • You have the right to request the presence of a Union Representative or Shop Steward during any investigatory interview you reasonably believe might result in disciplinary action.
  • You have the right not to be interviewed until your Union Representative or Shop Steward is present.
  • Your Union Representative or Shop Steward may assist you during the interview to Organize and explain your facts.

Remember Weingarten before you give up your rights!!

La Decision Weingarten: Conosca Sus Derechos!

En el caso de corte conocido como N.L.R.B. en contra Weingarten, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos decidio que usted tiene el derecho tener un Representante de la Union presente cuando tenga una entrevista con su patrono, si usted piensa que la entrevista le puede llevar a una accion disciplinarian.

Sus Derechos Con Weingarten Son:

  • You have the right to request the presence of a Union Representative or Shop Steward during any investigatory interview you reasonably believe might result in disciplinary action.
  • You have the right not to be interviewed until your Union Representative or Shop Steward is present.
  • Your Union Representative or Shop Steward may assist you during the interview to Organize and explain your facts.

Recuerde Weingarten Antes de Renunciar a Sus Derechos!