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$1,000 Organizing Incentive

Did you know that UFCW Local 152 offers a $1,000 incentive to our union family?

Let’s face it, we all have friends and relatives that work non-union jobs. At some point, one of them has probably expressed to you how much they don’t like their job. Whatever the reason may be, the solution is simple: THEY NEED A UNION! 

UFCW Local 152 firmly believes that all people deserve a voice in the workplace, and we believe it is so much more meaningful for prospective new members to not only hear from the UFCW Local 152 staff, but from actual members of our union as well. As a member, you have the perfect opportunity to help that friend or relative. All you have to do is connect us to the person that needs a union! If that connection eventually leads to a union election, you will earn $1,000. 

Remember, UFCW Local 152 isn’t just a “food union.” Take a look at the complete list of companies we represent.

For additional information, please call or text Mike Thompson, Director of Organizing directly at 609-742-6210.

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