The New Member Orientation is a great opportunity for new members to learn about our union family! Learn about the union difference, including who we are, the benefits and perks you receive as a UFCW Local 152 member, and your employee rights as a union member. You’ll also get to meet Union Representatives, fellow members from different facilities, and ask questions. Please note, there are no scheduled meetings at this time.
So, what can you expect? The New Member Orientation includes a brief, 20-minute presentation by Director of Organizing Mike Thompson. Each member will receive:
- an orientation packet,
- a copy of their contract,
- and a chance to meet their Union Representative (when possible).
These items will be mailed to you. If you have moved within the past year, please update your address.
How do I sign up for the New Member Orientation?
There will be two meeting times available (you only need to attend one).
Simply select the meeting at the time convenient for you and register. After your registration is validated by Local 152 staff, you will receive an email with instructions to join the New Member Orientation at the time you chose.
Note: If you do not receive a link to the meeting, please check your junk email.
Register for New Member Orientation
Registration is now closed.
If you have any questions about the New Member Orientation, please email Can’t wait to see you there!