Organizing Win: More Workers at Bacharach Vote Union Yes

More workers at Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation voted union yes!


Several months ago, workers at Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation outpatient offices reached out to UFCW Local 152 to discuss the union difference.

These workers were not getting the wage increases, paid time off, and other benefits their union coworkers were getting–all because they didn’t have a union contract binding their employer to give them what they deserved.

While UFCW Local 152 already represents the workers at Bacharach Rehabilitation’s main office in Galloway, New Jersey, these receptionists and aides work in multiple offices in South Jersey, from Toms River to Cape May. The outpatient workers realized they were missing out on many benefits the union members were receiving and wanted to come together and form their own collective bargaining unit.

After a longer-than-usual process because of COVID-19, we are proud to say 13 receptionists and aides voted YES to joining the union! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now, on to negotiating that first contract.

Congratulations to Chad Brooks and Pete White, who helped these workers walk through the process of organizing.

Why not you?

Are you interested in learning more about how UFCW Local 152 can help you and your coworkers? Fill out the Union Interest Form or email today.