More Than 30 Workers at Envirochem Stand United and Ratify Strong New Union Contract – 6/06/2022

Envirochem ratification was on June 6, 2022.


On Monday, June 1st, more than thirty workers at Envirochem in South River, New Jersey ratified a wonderful new union contract!

The five-year agreement seeks to improve the lives of our members with many positive changes.

Firstly, effective upon ratification all members will receive a significant pay increase, along with additional raises every six months for the life of the contract! All members have gained an extra paid holiday and now have the option to “pay out” some of their paid time off days (PTO) at the end of the year. Additionally, members who work on a holiday will now be paid double time to reward their dedication and for sacrificing their time.

Next, all members at Envirochem will now receive prepaid legal benefits included as part of their benefits plan. Furthermore, members will now have the option to participate in additional, voluntary supplemental benefits offered by UFCW Local 152, such as life insurance for their families. Through hard bargaining, the Employer has also agreed to significantly increase the weekly contribution to the 401(k).

The union representative or shop steward will now have a designated time to meet newly hired employees and introduce them to UFCW Local 152. This opportunity to teach new members about the union difference is vitally important. Many people in the workforce have never worked in union positions before, so the opportunity to explain the union difference is very important! During these meetings, new members can expect to learn their employee rights like the Weingarten Rights, all about their collective bargaining agreement, the benefits of their union contract, member discounts, and more.

Finally, in addition to bereavement leave extending to include grandchildren and grandparents, the annual shoe allowance was expanded and language was established to comply with the New Jersey Earned Sick Leave Law.


Congratulations to our workers and those on the Negotiating Committee on this amazing contract! This included Union Representative Tom Hartle, Union Representative Jose Echevarria, and Shop Steward Anthony Gonzalez. Job well done!

UFCW Local 152 proudly represents the workers at Envirochem, Inc., a world-class manufacturer of private label detergents for kitchens and laundries. Our members work in production, maintenance, clerical, in the warehouse, and much more.