Members at TQ Baking Unanimously Vote In Favor of Contract Amendment, Substantially Increasing Wages

Members and Union Representative Jose Echevarria at the TQ Baking contract amendment meeting at TQ Baking, 8/23/2021.


On Monday, August 23rd, members at Top Quality Baking (a Lancaster Colony/T. Marzetti company) voted unanimously to amend their current collective bargaining agreement!

After a series of discussions between the company and the union regarding the need to hire and retain employees in our current market, Marzetti and Local 152 agreed on a wage proposal to present to the membership. This proposal equated to a significant investment into our membership. Life-changing wage increases were happily accepted!

Kudos to T.Marzetti for their forward-thinking as they look to hire and solidify their current workforce.

Congratulations to our members. This meeting was conducted by Director of Collective Bargaining Dan Ross, Union Representative Jose Echevarria, Union Representative Matte Kane, Union Representative Pete White, and Shop Stewards Martha Rodriguez, Aretha Elliot, and Arthur Meads. Great job by all!

UFCW Local 152 proudly represents more than one hundred and fifty workers at Top Quality Baking in Vineland, New Jersey. Our members help to make the popular frozen “Texas Toast” garlic bread that can be found in union retailers.

If you or anyone you know is looking for a strong union position with great wages and benefits, Top Quality Baking is currently hiring! Contact Union Representative Jose Echevarria at 609-680-5734.



Below are some photos from the August 23rd meeting.