Irv R. String Local 152 Scholarship Fund Is Now Accepting Applications For 2023

Irv R. String Scholarship posting 2023


Great news! The Irv R. String Local 152 Scholarship Fund is now accepting applications for 2023! This scholarship is open to all UFCW Local 152 members and their dependents who will attend college full-time in Fall 2023. For a copy of the posting, click here. Haga clic aquí para obtener una copia del aviso de beca en español.

Every year, the Irv R. String Local 152 Scholarship Fund committee selects winners based on school records, SAT scores, personal activities, and need. Each winner will be awarded a $5,000 grant paid directly to the school. Learn more about the Irv R. String Local 152 Scholarship Fund.

For an application or additional information, please call the Union office at 888-564-6152. Applications are due by Friday, March 24th, 2023. Please keep in mind that applications will not be accepted if postmarked later than that date.

Good luck! Please check out the notice below for some additional information.

The Irv R. String Local 152 Scholarship Fund is now accepting applications for 2023!

The Irv R. String Local 152 Scholarship Fund is now accepting applications for 2023!