Borough of Bradley Beach Workers Overwhelmingly Ratify New Union Contract – 3/03/2025

We are thrilled to announce that the union workers at Borough of Bradley Beach overwhelmingly voted to ratify a new union contract! Congratulations!

The Road to Victory

The ratification took place on Monday, March 3rd, 2025. The long-overdue contract comes as a result of purposely stalled negotiations by the former administration that were designed to gut benefits previously enjoyed by our members. This prompted a public awareness campaign that started with city council meetings attended by rank-and-file members, President Ross, and other union staff.

In early summer 2024, UFCW Local 152 took to the public for support, creating lawn signs and launching Borough of Bradley Beach Workers Need Your Help. This page explained what was happening to the clerical, dispatch, and public works departments at Borough of Bradley Beach, and asked the public to help pressure the Borough’s former mayor, Larry Fox, into negotiating in good faith by signing an online petition.

Fortunately, once Mayor Al Gubitosi was elected and took office in January 2025, negotiations swiftly moved forward.

Looking Ahead

The new contract greatly improves the lives of our members. The salary step program was significantly raised, and senior members at the top of the wage progression will receive increases based on their length of service. Members will receive up to two years of back-paid wage increases, as well! Finally, changes were made to overtime work, new positions were added to the unit, and members will now receive another paid holiday. These wins were hard-fought and earned!

Congratulations to these 25 workers! It was a long journey, but you made it!

Special thank you to our tenacious union negotiating committee, which included President Daniel Ross, Jr., Collective Bargaining Representative Chad Brooks, Director of Organizing Mike Thompson, Shop Stewards Nicole Browning, Michael La Cour, and Michele Whille, and Legal Counsel David Watkins of O’Brien, Belland, Bushinsky, LLC.

UFCW Local 152 proudly represents workers at the Borough of Bradley Beach. Our members keep the Borough running by dispatching public safety personnel to respond to emergencies, cleaning trash, repairing critical infrastructure, and caring for our community’s day-to-day needs.

Are you interested in joining UFCW Local 152? Start by learning more about how to start a union at your workplace.