A Letter of Solidarity to Our Members at Perlmart ShopRite – 10/20/2021


On Wednesday, October 20th, President Brian String issued the following statement to members at Perlmart ShopRite. The official letter can be viewed here.


A Letter of Solidarity

We are sure that many of our Brothers and Sisters have heard through the Rumor Mill of the pending sale of the Perlmart Stores to Saker ShopRite. Although the Local Unions involved have not to date received the formal details of this acquisition, we feel it is incumbent on us to give our Brothers and Sisters an understanding of our determination collectively to protect our contracts, our employment, and the guarantees that our members have earned through their past employment. Rest assured that all the Locals who are part of this letter have been involved in prior merges and acquisitions, and we are well acquainted with what must be done to protect you and your family.

It is our understanding that this acquisition will not be consummated until sometime in December of this year. Having said that, we are adamant that an understanding must be reached between the Unions and the Companies involved well before the transaction consummation date. We have already reached out to those Companies involved, and their legal representatives, in order to forge a path to a smooth and proper transition. It is our collective intent to see that the sale will encompass all bargaining unit employees, all present contract language and protections, and all wage rates and entitlements in existence.

As your Union Leadership, we recognize that during this pandemic with its dangers, increased hours, and overwhelming stress, we are close to burnout. We certainly don’t need the added anxiety of an uncertain future. We ask all our Brothers and Sisters to entrust us, as your capable Leadership, with a successful resolution to this acquisition. We know what to do, we have your back and we ask for your continued loyalty and support. As more information becomes available from knowledgeable sources, and not the Rumor Mill, we will immediately convey it to you.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Brian String
