Home » About Local 152 » Representation » Cannabis Division
MPX AC workers
Workers at MPX/iAnthus in Atlantic City, NJ
Design 710 Workers
Workers from Design 710 in Atlantic City, NJ
Cultivators at Columbia Care
Cultivators at a Columbia Care facility in Vineland, NJ
Botanist Committee
The Negotiating Committee for The Botanist
Botanist Committee
UFCW Local 152 representatives attending the NECANN event in Atlantic City, NJ
Trenton event
UFCW Local 152 at a pro-cannabis event in Trenton, NJ
UFCW cannabis members and staff
UFCW cannabis members with Local 152 staff
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UFCW Local 152 Cannabis Division logo

Cannabis Workers are Rising

From the beginning of New Jersey’s medical cannabis program to the recent passage of adult recreational use, UFCW Local 152 has advocated for social equity and cannabis policies in New Jersey that protect and support workers. The UFCW has testified at many council meetings across the state in support of workers and the industry during a time when many towns had a knee-jerk reaction to banning adult use. As a labor union, we recognized that the cannabis industry was an opportunity for New Jersey workers to make a career in a newly regulated market with strong wages and benefits that cannot be outsourced.

Our goal remains the same: help workers in the medical and adult-use cannabis industry get the best contracts possible.

We are committed to building and setting a high standard for a successful cannabis industry in the Garden State. We believe working in the cannabis industry, which may have started as a dream job for many workers, can be a strong and dignified career.

UFCW is the Cannabis Workers’ Union

On a national level, the UFCW represents thousands of cannabis workers across the United States. UFCW members in the cannabis industry work in dispensaries, labs, delivery, kitchens, manufacturing, processing, grow facilities, and more — helping workers secure better wages, protection from unfair discipline, and great benefits with a union contract. By supporting targeted legislative efforts, along with negotiating the best contracts for workers, we’ve been able to set high standards throughout the industry.

If you work in the cannabis industry and are interested in learning more about unionizing your workplace, please contact Director of Organizing Mike Thompson at mthompson@ufcwlocal152.org or fill out our confidential Union Interest Form.

Cannabis Workers Rising: Get updates on cannabis union activity around the country on the UFCW’s official cannabis Instagram, @cannabisworkersrising

Cannabis Workers Rising logo

Latest UFCW Local 152 Cannabis News

Labor Peace Agreements with UFCW Local 152

The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization (CREAMM) Act requires all license applicants to enter into a labor peace agreement (LPA) with a bona fide labor organization. [1]

UFCW is the labor union representing cannabis workers in New Jersey and has entered into hundreds of labor peace agreements. Currently, UFCW represents cannabis workers at all the Verano/Zen Leaf locations, Garden State Dispensary/Ayr locations, and Justice Grown dispensaries and cultivation sites; additionally, UFCW is currently negotiating with the Botanist, GTI, Harmony, Columbia Care, Cureleaf, and Ascend. As more cannabis companies open, the list of represented workers will continue to grow.

Are you a business owner interested in signing a Labor Peace Agreement with UFCW Local 152?

Great, we are excited to work with you! Please read over and sign our Labor Peace Agreement. From there, simply send it to mthompson@ufcwlocal152.org or fax it to us at 609-625-0328. If you have any questions or want to speak to someone about it, please contact Director of Organizing Mike Thompson by calling him directly at 609-742-6210 or by emailing mthompson@ufcwlocal152.org.

The following cannabis facilities are represented or in negotiations with UFCW in New Jersey, with more joining every day:

  • Ascend
  • AYR Wellness (Garden State)
  • The Bloc (Justice Grown)
  • The Botanist
  • Columbia Care (The Cannabist)
  • Curaleaf
  • Design 710
  • Hello High
  • The Healing Side
  • MPX/iAnthus
  • Zen Leaf (Verano)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a labor peace agreement?

A labor peace agreement (LPA) is a written document between a bona fide labor union and an employer seeking a cannabis license in the state of New Jersey. LPAs ensure the employer stays neutral during a union organizing campaign. At the same time, the union agrees to refrain from any activity that can hurt the employer economically.

What is the benefit of having a labor peace agreement?

With a labor peace agreement, workers have an easier path to unionizing than a typical organizing campaign. Workers with an LPA at their workplace are not automatically union members; however, having an LPA in place creates a clear, drama-free path for workers if unionizing becomes something they want.

Workers who come together in solidarity can achieve strong contracts.

What is a “bona fide union”?

A bona fide labor union is not just any union. It is a legitimate union, which is often defined as a union that actively represents workers in the industry regarding wages, hours, and working conditions. It is a union whose officers have been elected by the union membership through a secret ballot election or otherwise in a manner consistent with federal law. Finally, it is a union that is free from domination or interference by an employer.

Building Cannabis Careers

1 – Value

The UFCW seeks to establish a professional livelihood for all our members.

We have a long and proud history of advocacy for workers, their families and the communities they serve in other highly regulated sectors, such as agriculture, pharmaceutical, distillery manufacturing and meat processing.

Through our apprenticeship and safety and health programs, the UFCW works with regulators to ensure high quality products and safe workplaces.

Professionalizing the cannabis industry can offer local communities jobs with strong wages, benefits, and career development opportunities. Across America, communities are benefiting from a thriving cannabis economy. In many of those states, cannabis workers are building professional
careers with the UFCW.

2 – Respect

We’re also building respect for our profession with state and local governments. Together we stand up for:

  • Supporting good employers that provide good jobs through smart zoning and licensing rules
  • Recognition and training for professionalism,
    including jointly-managed apprenticeship training
  • Worker-first rules that
    protect the safety and security of cannabis
    workers, while ensuring accountability in the sale
    of a controlled substance
  • Promoting workplace and
    ownership diversity
  • Encouraging employer collaborations, highlighting the best practices in the industry.
3 – Union Family

Sound like a team you want to be on? We’d love to have you join our union family. Learn more about how to start a union and consider filling out the form to be contacted.

Medical cannabis