Antonio Melendez-Mott
Union Representative
Antonio’s union journey began in 2021 when he was hired at The Botanist in Egg Harbor Township, NJ before the facility was unionized. He and his coworkers quickly realized that their job site could greatly benefit from a union and, in an effort to create positive change for all, reached out to UFCW Local 152 in early 2022 to learn more about unionizing.
After helping to lead his coworkers through the process of card signing, which proved there was interest in unionizing and invoked the company’s Labor Peace Agreement, Tony was then elected to join the union’s Negotiating Committee. After the workers at The Botanist voted in their very first contract, Tony was elected Shop Steward for his department and proudly upheld the rules outlined in the union contract.
In September 2023, Tony joined UFCW Local 152 as a S.P.U.R. (Special Projects Union Representative) focusing on cannabis. He continues to help workers in the cannabis industry walk through the process of organizing and help them secure careers in the industry. Today, he is a Union Representative/Organizer, helping workers walk the process of organizing their workplace.
Email: amelendezmott@ufcwlocal152.org
Office Phone: 888-564-6152 ext. 3912
Cell Phone: 609-515-4511