Be Counted: Take the 2020 Census

A person holding an iphone, getting ready to take the U.S. Census in 2020.


You count in your union… now count in the U.S. Census 2020!


What Does The Census Do?

The Census helps determine where to build everything from schools to supermarkets, homes to hospitals. It helps the government decide how to distribute funds and assistance to states and localities. Census 2020 holds the key to our future!

The census means money. Information from the census tells the government where to send funds to fight epidemics like the coronavirus, to recover from disasters like Superstorm Sandy, and to support the everyday heroes in all sectors of the labor movement.

The census means jobs. At stake for our communities in 2020 and beyond is more than $45 billion in funding for our hospitals and healthcare, for Medicare and Medicaid, for roads and rails and bridges and water-supply projects, for schools and after-school activities and daycare, for employment-training programs to prepare for a new, post-COVID economy, and for school breakfasts and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), among other things.

The census means power. It determines how many members of Congress we get and where our Congressional districts will be drawn.

Be counted! After all, your union brothers and sisters are counting on YOU.


Take The Census

The U.S. Census 2020 can be completed in less than 10 minutes. Take the Census today!