Members at Family Food Products Ratify New Union Contract – 6/20/22


On Monday, June 20th, members at Family Food Products in Bensalem, Pennsylvania stood united and ratified a new union contract!

The three-year agreement works to improve the lives of the nearly fifty members at Family Food Products. All members received a large lump sum ratification bonus as well as larger yearly wage increases.

With the new contract, junior members accrue their increased yearly vacation time faster which eliminates a longstanding tier in the contract. By shortening the length of service needed to receive additional time off, all members are treated equally.

Members maintained their excellent Union benefits for medical, prescription, dental, vision, and prepaid legal benefits.

The union representative or shop steward will now have an opportunity to sit with newly hired employees and introduce them to UFCW Local 152. This opportunity to teach new members about the union difference is vitally important. Many people in the workforce have never worked in union positions before, so the opportunity to explain the union difference is very important! During these meetings, new members can expect to learn their employee rights like the Weingarten Rights, all about their collective bargaining agreement, the benefits of their union contract, member discounts, and more.

Finally, stronger steward language was added to the contract as an additional layer of day-to-day protection for our members.


Congratulations to our members and the Negotiating Committee! The committee included Director of Collective Bargaining Dan Ross, Union Representative Jose Echevarria, Shop Steward Raysa Abreu-Espinoza, and members Santos Rivas and Grisselle Morena. Thank you for your hard work and commitment.

UFCW Local 152 proudly represents nearly fifty workers at Family Food Products, a company that produces high-quality meats under the Arnold’s Meats, Caroline Sausage, and El Credito brand names. Our members work in production, shipping, receiving, and driving. Congratulations to all!